Presbyterian Church Nursery School

This pilot is intended to demonstrate how going beyond training – and adding program-wide goal setting, fidelity observations and individualized coaching for educators – can significantly improve the use of developmentally appropriate and socially/emotionally anchored practices. And when this happens, challenging behaviors reduce, opportunities to teach social skills increase, and staff stresses are reduced.

The Pyramid Model for Social Emotional Competence in Infants and Young Children (formerly known as SEFEL – the Social Emotional Foundations for Early Learning) is an evidence-based framework for promoting and supporting infant and early childhood mental health and social emotional development of all children. The Pyramid Model takes a tiered public health approach to providing universal supports to all children to promote wellness, targeted supports to those at risk and intensive interventions for those who need them, all supported by an effective workforce. The Model helps adults, in different settings with various disciplines (including early intervention providers, early care and education providers, and other early childhood professionals), to interact with children and understand, address, predict, and respond to challenging behaviors.

Bradley Hills Presbyterian Church Nursery School - 6601 Bradley Blvd., Bethesda MD  20817

301.365.2909 (office)  -  301.467.6784 (fax) -


To learn more about the Pyramid Model, please visit the National Center for Pyramid Model Innovations (NCPMI) and the National Pyramid Model Consortium.

BHPCNS has been selected as one of 5 Pilot Sites for the Implementation of the Maryland Pyramid Model in the state of Maryland. This unique honor will provide BHPCNS with 2 Pyramid Model coaches to support our programming for the next 18 to 24 months. The coaches will be onsite assisting BHPCNS staff as we continue to support each child’s unique social-emotional development. The coaches will be working with and teaching BHPCNS teachers, administrators, students and parents all aspects of the Pyramid Model.

MSDE License #71228   Mont. Cty. PEI License #27677